The Kwol are a biped, saurial race hailing from
Mayda-Portamus in the Kallanor sytem. They typically stand six feet
tall with jet black scaly skin and a non-prehensile tail three
feet long. Their front limbs end in clawed hands which are of
average dexterity but provide good climbing ability. Their
reptilian heads have two forward looking eyes, nostrils at the
end of their snouts, ears located behind their eyes and a
mouthful of sharp teeth.
In spite of what many sentients think, Kwol are warm blooded.They
are an oxygen breathing species with similar temperature bounds
to that of humans.
Their green blood is pumped around the body by two synchronous
hearts. They have three stomachs which digest food as a series of
processes, and they do not 'chew their cud'.
Brain activity, nervous and immune systems are similar to many
humanoid species.
Kwol communicate primarily through verbal means. They speak both
their own native common and Basic, albeit with an extreme accent.
The design of the Kwol mouth and tongue produces a hissing sound
when pronouncing "S" syllables.
A peculiarity of the Kwol race is a large patch of skin beneath
their throat that changes colour with mood or emotion. Loosely
defined, these colours are:
Red | Rage/Anger |
Orange | Bitterness/Distrust |
Yellow | Fear/Anxiety |
White | Peace/Serenity |
Green | Gladness/Excitement |
Blue | Happiness/Admiration |
Purple | Amorousness |
Black | Death |
Grey | Sickness/Pain |
Sociology and Anthropology
Kwol are divided into two sub-species. The swamp-dwelling Emydura
have developed a high level of technology and culture with their
cities, and view Rugosa, their rock-dwelling cousins, as
uncivilised savages.
Within the swamp cities of the Kwol can be found several castes,
or social classes.
Caste | Kwol Name |
Warriors | Sabha-Nor |
Aristocrats | Kuge |
Nobles | Mooshi |
Shamans/Priests | Koor-Da |
Crasftsmen | Nuhi |
Landowners | Sakor |
Tenant Farmers | Loke |
Peasants | Eta |
The head of the Sabha-Nor is the Ko-wan, and is the de facto ruler of the Kwol. The current ruler, Lord No-Pata-Na, is more of a figure head than an authority figure. Many Kwol consider that the lower castes, especially the Eta and Loke, are less than pure Kwol.
Emydura Kwol history begins long before written records when, it
is believed, the great Mayda (egg-layer) created the
planet Mayda-Portamus and raised the Kwol to be her planetary
guardians. Modern Kwol teachings hold that Kwol changed by Nuh-Koor
("the shedding of many skins", quite similar to
evolution) from a species of small lizard that is still found in
the swamp. Either way, the Kwol came to be the dominant species
on the planet.
The Kwol first written history tells of a race of
hunter-gatherers that roamed the swamps in small groups
(usually family tribes), hunting the wild animals and fish and
gathering available roots and berries. As the tribes grew the
demand for food exceeded what the swamp provided so the Kwol
began to farm the surrounding swamp, both for meat and plant life
(Kwol prefer fresh meat to cooked).
It was during this period that castes began to form. Since not
everyone could posess their own farms, swamplords took control of
regions, employing labourers to work the marshes and paying
them either in kind or crude forms of credits. Militia were also
employed to protect the regions from neighboring swamplords and
the more hazardous beasts of the deep swamps. This militia formed
the basis for the Sabha-Nor.
Eventually the political landscape stabilised to the point where
the militia felt unneeded and they formed their own class led by
the Ko-Wan, or military leader. This class currently maintains
order and social stability across the planet whilst maintaining
the head of the Kwol, Lord No-Pata-Na.
Rugosa Kwol history dates back only an estimated few thousand years, mainly consisting of tribal wars. They have not developed technologically, preferring the ways of their ancestors.